Since 2022, LaMP has taken major steps to build a portfolio in the broader European context. The groundwork has led not only to a higher visibility and trust in our work among a wide array of public and private stakeholders. It has also opened to a series of targeted opportunities which are now consolidated workstreams. We have focused especially on projects which represent small yet targeted positive policy-oriented efforts which can advance reforms and initiatives leading to more humane and efficient systems. Our close collaborations with the European Union (EU) Spanish Presidency, the European Commission and the European Parliament attest to these efforts and key achievements.  

On a more programmatic level, we are part of a consortium led by the Maastricht-based (The Netherlands) European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) to carry out a mapping of the 27 EU Member States’ legal pathways for labour migration and labour market priorities for migrant workers in sectors which experience sensible labour shortages. This represents the very first attempt to provide a comprehensive overview at regional level. Thanks to LaMP’s staff presence, our focus will be on Germany and Sweden, while we will also contribute to the policy recommendations foreseen in the final report.    

Through a cooperation with a leading Danish consultancy firm (Ramboll), LaMP acts as strategic advisor within the scope of the EU feasibility study to develop and assess policy options for a Youth Mobility Scheme with non-EU countries. Structural changes of the EU population have led to a decline in the size of the labour force resulting in labour shortages. The most in-demand areas of work in 2022 were in software, construction, healthcare and engineering, with the level of shortage rated as severe for most of the occupations analyzed in these sectors. This provides a strong indication of the importance that a potential EU Youth Mobility Scheme could play in targeting such categories. 

Finally, LaMP has recently embarked on a Participatory Assessment the Labor Migration Programme Portfolio of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)’s Section on Migration and Forced Displacement. Through a series of in-depth interactive workshops and an innovative AI-assisted analysis of staff surveys and project documents repository, LaMP is supporting the SDC leadership in informing their next strategy with the aim to maximize the benefits of migration while reducing the risks, Against the backdrop of rapidly evolving global trends in migration, this assessment will enable SDC to rationalize its interventions.   

For more information, contact:

Salvatore Petronella