The Mobility Finance Network is a community of practice that promotes financial solutions to unlock rights-respecting cross-border labor mobility worldwide.  

We seek to: 

  • seed new ideas and collaborations by bringing together specialists in migration policy & practice, finance & investment, skilling, and workers’ rights  
  • encourage financial innovation by curating insights and learning spaces, promoting relevant convenings, cultivating working groups, and sharing funding opportunities among members 
  • establish new financial instruments for scaled labor migration (e.g.  guarantee funds and credit offerings) and accelerate mobility businesses and technologies (e.g. via equity and debt offerings), to provide greater agency and choice to millions of labor migrants worldwide 


The Mobility Finance Network envisions a future where aspiring labor migrants and the businesses that support them benefit from the financial tools and instruments required to support a robust, professional, and rights-respecting labor mobility industry. We work towards expanding cross-border job opportunities and eradicating global debt bondage linked to labor migration by deploying ethical financial products designed for the unique needs of aspiring migrant workers and their ecosystems.

Join the Conversation in our LinkedIn Group 


The Mobility Finance Network is being incubated inside Labor Mobility Partnerships (LaMP).


For more information, contact:

Elicia Carmichael



Prerna Choudhury




*Header Photo by AbsolutVision, used under UnSplash License